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How to intake Tibetan Medicine
For treatment and prevention in TTM the are four methods: Diet, Lifestyle, Medicines and External procedures.
Among Medicines the best is food, so proper Diet can solve many health problems.
Tibetan Medicines are made from natural compounds: herbs, minerals, animal products. Some of these components need special treatment before being put into medicine.
In “Subsequent Tantra” of rGuid-bZhi there is the branch of Pharmacology, where different forms of medicines are described:
Chapter 3: Decoctions
Chapter 4: Powders
Chapter 5: Pills
Chapter 6: Paste
Chapter 7: Medicinal Butter
Chapter 8: Medicinal Ash
Chapter 9: Extract
Chapter 10: Medicinal vine
Chapter 11: Precious Medicines
Chapter 12: Common herbal compounds
Here we offer Powders, Decoctions and Pills.
There are some common recommendations how to intake Tibetan Medicines, but doctor can give differ individual instructions.
In a common case intake half an hour before meal, ½ of teaspoon without hill, after powder take warm boiled water as much as you want. Babies and kids could be given a powder in the water. Dosage for kids is less than adult in two-three times.
As decoction must be fresh when intake, we supply with a powders for decoctions. Take ½ of teaspoon of powder for 3 cups of water. Boil this mix in a pot with cover until only one cup of water left. Then leave medicine until it will reach demanded temperature. Usually decoctions is drunk in warm condition including sediments.
Sometimes brewing or short-term boiling allowed. Speaking generally, more time we boil decoction more mild and warm features it obtain.
It's better not to put decoctions into refrigerator.
Pills should be crushed and intake with warm boiled water.
“Precious pills” has got special rules for intake, which a doctor will describe.